Thursday, January 29, 2009

That's right, we're starting a blog. It seems like a simple solution to my 'mommy guilt' of not having any scrapbooks of my boys. I can post a little here and there, post some pictures, and have a record of all the stuff that makes up our lives. Today, Luke got into my purse and painted his face with lipstick. He was pretty proud of himself, and I couldn't punish him because I was laughing at him! Jack is feeling a little sick with a runny nose and had a very hard time going to sleep. Vince is out of town until tomorrow, so it was hard to get Jack to calm down and go to sleep. Vince seems to have the magic touch when it comes to calming them down.

So, here starts our little blog. I'm sure mostly my Mom will read it, but that's ok, it's also here for me. I don't want to forget a second of my little boys growing up, and I think blogging about it will be fun. We miss you tonight Vince, but are so proud of you and all you do for our family. One day, we'll look back and be so grateful for how you've changed the world with all your hard work. Good night!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Lana, you write so well. I appreciate the heart you put into your blog. It brought tears to my eyes. I will continue to pray for your family and the transition S and Y will be making to their new home as well as your journey to Africa. I love you all very much and am very happy for you and can't wait to hear more.