Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dorazio's are in the air!

We're on our way! We left our house around 10 this morning, and hit the airport with plenty of time. The airline had us all sitting in different spots all over the airplane, and of course, with 2 kids, that wasn't going to work. Jack could probably handle it, but Luke . . . he's another story!

We worked it out, and had a nice flight to Atlanta. We landed in Atlanta at 6, and our flight to DC was leaving at 6:20, so we ran through the airport and both boys kept up, dragging their carryons behind them. (Mom-WE were not late, the airplane was late, making US late.) :)

We made it to a hotel with all 8 duffel bags and 4 large carryons. I haven't even had a chance to thank everyone who donated to the care centers to fill up our alloted baggage. Everyone was so generous. I can't wait to see all the kids enjoying all the necessities you donated. It is a lot of luggage to keep track of, but so worth it to get these things to the kids! I saw some baby clothes I might have to play dress up with the babies and take pictures for their parents waiting at home.

Tomorrow morning we leave at 10:45 am, for a 13 hour flight to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We have every 'i' electronic possible to keep us wildly entertained. We have an iMac, an iPhone, and an iPad. If that fails, we have 2 DSi's to play games until our hearts content. It's really kind of funny. To think, I had to grow up traveling back and forth to South America with just a Sony Walkman, listening to Debbie Gibson. Poor little me. :)

I'll have to post more pictures another time, we are staying at the world's slowest Hampton Inn near the airport, and it took forever to upload that first picture.

We're down to the countdown, and all of us are ready to get to the care center, open the door, and see S & Y. We are so excited for it to finally be here, and know that in just a realtively short time, everything in our family changes. I remember before Luke was born, getting a little teary thinking about how it wouldn't be just the 3 of us anymore. Now, I can't imagine my life without Luke. I think that's where we are tonight. Nothing will be the same after tomorrow, but it will be just what we need.

Only one more sleep S & Y, and Mommy & Daddy will be there! We're bringing your brothers, and they are crazy about you, and wanting to get off of airplanes and PLAY! Love you!

Friday, December 16, 2011

I love U2. Really, if I want to just 'be happy,' I'd go to a U2 concert. Here's a couple of our pics from out last concert. I have discovered the fine art of getting really great seats, and there's really no other way to watch Bono, The Edge, Larry, and Adam. If I could figure out anything to do with blogging, I would figure out how to have a cool loop of music going on, and U2 would be our anthem. Does someone want to enlighten me? I have the attention span of a gnat these days, so it better be easy.

We leave for Ethiopia in 12 days, and I have our life divided into 3 lists. 1.) To Do Before Christmas 2.) To do Before Ethiopia 3.) To Do After Ethiopia. If it's not absolutely essential, it won't get done until #3. So, that's where a completely random blog post comes into play. It doesn't fit any of my lists, but I've been working all morning around the house, and here's a little break for me, and a post to introduce you more to our family.

Here's my Vera and baby Davy poking his head out from Lindsay's sling. Lindsay is my sister, and the reason we chose Ethiopia in the first place. My new kids will be joining our first Ethiopian princess Vera, and I can't think of a cooler thing, than for these new cousins to have their Ethiopian heritage to share. I know we will all be planning trips back to visit our children's native country in the future. Shannon, Lindsay, Vera and Davy live in Saudi Arabia, and this Auntie is not happy about missing them! :)

I had both my boy's via c-section, and always joked that there was no way I'd 'go natural,' when I had my own babies. I didn't, but when Lindsay asked me to be her birth coach during her birth of Davy at a birthing center, it changed everything I ever thought about having babies. Lindsay was in labor for 30+ hours with Davy, and I got to be there for the whole thing.

First off, my sister did something absolutely amazing. Her labor was not simple, was not short, and she entered some mystical world in her head that helped her bring this little man into the world. My words completely fail me at explaining what I witnessed in that birthing center. Little Davy came out blinking his eyes, and I'm the first one who ever got a look into them. It's simply impossible to watch that and not believe in our Creator God. I love that little man!


We love the Arizona Cardinals! (I told you this was random!) I pretty much didn't like anything to do with football, until Jack was about 3yrs old and decided he loved football with Daddy. I don't know how, but all of a sudden, I loved the Cardinals. I loved Larry Fitzgerald, Kurt Warner, Beanie Wells, screaming at the top of my lungs at the tv, and going to games and eating gross food and cheap margaritas. It was a whole new world to me. I guess that's what to expect from falling in love with your kids!

Last February, all my loves, from U2, to my Vera & Davy, and even the Cardinals became part of the lives of 2 little ones in Ethiopia. S & Y don't know anything about us, outside of a few pictures we've sent them. I wonder if I can influence Y to choose a natural child birth when she has children of her own, after watching my sister labor so heroically? I'd love that for my girl. I wonder if they'll love it the first time I play 'Beautiful Day' for them on the DVD and dance around like a silly Mama? I imagine Jack sitting down during a Cardinal's game and explaining the rules to S & Y, then throwing touchdown passes during the commercials. I will take a picture when that happens!

All of our worlds will collide on Dec. 29, when we walk into
the care center for the first time and meet S & Y. I can't wait to find out what they like. I can't wait to write a post about all the things they enjoy doing. Just like I didn't know much about Jack and Luke when they were first born, I'm sure it's going to take time to know my new children.

Here's a picture of Jack & Luke holding our first piece of paper we signed to start the process of bringing S & Y home. Now that we are so close to going and meeting them, I am overwhelmed at the significance of 'family.' There is nothing that could replace my extended family with Lindsay, Shannon, Vera, and Davy, and watching the miracle of Davy's birth, and Vera's adoption. Nothing can replce the feeling of enjoying something just plain fun like a U2 concert with my husband. And of course, there's nothing like sitting next to your sons at a football game, while they explain why the ref made a particular call. It just all wraps up together to make a family. There's room for more in ours, and I can only imagine that all the things I love about mine now, are just going to be more.

Sweet dreams S & Y!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Court date January 9!

This week we got the most exciting news so far! January 9, we go to court in Ethiopia! I'll write a 'proper' post later, but the basics are as follows:

Dec. 26: (most likely-haven't purchased the tickets yet) The Dorazio's board a plane for Ethiopia!

Dec. 27 or 28: We meet S & Y for the first time. Our whole family is going, so it will be a homecoming we've been praying about.

Dec 28-Jan. 8: Spend as much time as we can visiting the care center where our kids live right now. We'll take short breaks away to show Jack & Luke a bit of Addis Ababa, but mostly, spend time with our family.

Jan. 9: Go to court! An Ethiopian judge will hear our case, and we are praying for a quick approval.

Jan. 10 or 11: This will hardest part of this trip, and something I'm really just trying not to think about . . . we will say good-bye to S & Y, and come home to AZ. We will have to wait until we pass the embassy portion of the process to come back and bring them home.

So, if you call me, email me, text me, facebook me, or anything resembling communicate with me until Dec. 26th, you'll most likely be talking with a crazy woman. :) There is a lot to do in planning a trip across the world with our whole family. I'm happily overwhelmed, and so grateful to be one giant step closer.

Good night friends! Good morning Ethiopian babies. Mommy is really coming!!!

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Last night, as we were at Vince's office with our dear friends Chris & Michelle, decorating the office Christmas tree, I checked the site where we receive pictures of S & Y. I was surprised with the picture above! Not only is my son holding the ziploc bag that I had sent via UPS to a family traveling to pick up their own adorable twins, BUT, he's wearing the Cardinals shirt I picked up for him at Target. I hugged and kissed that shirt, blessed it, cried over it, and zipped it in a ziploc for S to take out of that ziploc and wear. There it is, he's wearing it! Surreal. Does he have any idea who the Arizona Cardinals are, of course not. Will he before his next birthday? You betcha!

My girl is holding my ziploc. If you look close, you can see the Arizona book we sent. A new friend of mine, who is from Eritrea, the country that borders Ethiopia, translated little things I wrote to Y in the book. I showed her our beautiful desert, our city, and the mountains that we like to escape to during the hot summer. I told her about how in the winter we get a cabin up north in the mountains to see the snow. I cannot explain the feelings of seeing her holding the little bag of love I put together just for her. It has a cute little dress in it, and I hope she loves it. I've noticed that she always has girly girl clothes on, and her cute necklace points to her sweet style. Really, I just never knew how much I needed a little girl.

My new little man has a bunch of pictures holding a firetruck I sent him. I think he loves it. He will be getting more little cars and trucks in the near future. It looked like in almost every picture he was holding onto it. I hugged and kissed that firetruck just for you S! I'm so glad you love it.

Pigtails. I have boys, gel, and faux-hauxs at my house these days, no pigtails. Pigtails, braids, ponytails, and all sort of hair-do's I know nothing about coming soon to the Dorazio house!

Vince and I stayed up till almost 2am scouring the pictures for every detail we could gather on S & Y. Our agency has a great network of parents who are going back and forth to Ethiopia for court and embassy/pick-up trips. Every time someone goes, we have the opportunity to send a little something. It's not much, but a few fun things, and lots of pictures of our family. I have no idea of the impact of our little gifts, but I've been told that the pictures are the most important for the kids.

I know for our family, the pictures we receive from the traveling families are a lifeline. Every picture shows that our kids have changed, they've grown a little, and if we look closely enough we see their little personalities. One day soon, I'll get to go, hug my very own kids for myself, and take hundreds of pictures of orphans who may, or may not have families waiting to bring them home. I think I need a new camera.

Good night sweet Y & S. You are in our thoughts every minute of every day. We cleaned out the attic and garage this weekend to make room for all the extra things we'll acquire when you get here. We're looking at furniture for the boys room, so the 3 of you will fit in one room, and looking at colors for your room Y! I wonder what your favorite color will be? We love you, and Jack prayed tonight that you would come home soon. He prays that every single day, as well as all our friends, family, and the kid's classes at school. Our family just has one goal these days, and it's "Bring S & Y home!"