Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Submitted to Court (What does that mean?)

Good news! We learned today that our dossier has been submitted to the court in Ethiopia!! This means that we will be receiving our court date SOON, and that means we are really going to Africa. We are told to expect a date within 1-2 months. So, as early as end of December . . . As late as end of January, first of February? We have a passport appointment for the boys on Friday, so let's start packing!

This is the first photo of S & Y that we ever saw. Can you tell how beautiful they are? I can't wait to be able to post full photos of them, but for now, how about some eyes?

This is my first little girl. I do believe her beauty will far outweigh her new Mama's. Watch out boys, her Daddy knows all your tricks! I sent her the first little dress I've ever bought for my very own daughter. I cannot tell you how long it took me to pick it out. I kind of procrastinated, because I just wanted it to be just the right dress, just the right colors for her and small enough to fit into a ziploc bag. I hope she's wearing it today!

Handsome and full of life S! This sweet son's name means 'Success' in his native tongue. I can already tell by his bright eyes that God has a plan for his life. Oh, I can only imagine all that is in store for him and our family. S has been a breeze to shop for and find things for his care packages. I know JUST what little boys his age like, and how they like to play. Just wait to see his full picture. He has a smile that looks like it lights up the room.

I love the picture on the left with S & Y holding hands. I really don't know how deep their hurts go, and how they are handling their new life in an orphanage. They are so close to my boys' ages, that if I think about how they would be in the same situation, I can hardly stand to think about it. There is nothing physically that I can do for them right now, so I decided to hope for them instead. This picture gives me hope. They have each other, and they aren't alone. I pray each day that God sends an angel to them and comforts them, that He sends them His love and peace that passes all understanding. I know it's possible for him to comfort, because He promises He will, and I've been comforted in very dark times. That give me hope and turns my sadness to peace for my Ethiopian children.

I'm sure they are just like young siblings who argue and make each other mad, but at the end of the day, they have each other while we aren't with them. I'm sure I will drive them crazy with all my questions of their life before I had the honor to be their mother. We have a lot of catching up to do sweet children.


Jessica said...

Since I've seen the whole picture, I know just how beautiful they are. What a blessing. Hoping you get that court date soon.


Andrea said...

Wow, that is so soon, so tangible! Your writing is beautiful :)

Diana said...

Save these great words for them to read when they are older. =D Congratulations!