Sunday, April 08, 2012

I've got a few minutes and internet at the airport, so thought I'd take the time to write down a little of what happened over the last few days. The most obvious and exciting thing is that we are in DC about to board Ethiopian Airlines and go get our children!! Vince & I are both a little overwhelmed with how we got to this point, and all of the people in our lives who are loving us and helping us with our boys while we're gone. So, maybe that's a good place to start.

We have been part of a church called ValleyLife for 13 years. We 'do' church a little differently than you might associate with the word 'church.' We meet together in homes, in very small groups and walk through life together. We do our best to help each other live life to the fullest in every way that Christ offers in the most generous ways. It's very simple, but very, very real. We have seen our church in our home grow many times over, and watched other people start their own house church in their own neighborhoods. This way of living out our faith has forever changed us.

Ed & Debbie Waken are the first people we met at ValleyLife. They have become dear friends and mentors. Our lives have changed as we had children, moved to a different home, etc., and we are not always faithful in the relationships that we love as we would like to be. These last few months have been hard . . . so hard. I have found myself in self preservation I guess, not being fully engaged with those I love. The Wakens have been faithful to us, and loved us more than we deserve, and of course, Ed took us to the airport. Then, they watched our kids most of the day. They don't just watch our kids, they loved them, like grandparents. We are blessed.

Next, there's Jared & Allison. We've known them since they were high school sweethearts, watched them get married, and then have 2 wonderful little boys. Allison is an amazing photographer, and has taken some of my most treasured photos of our family. We hardly see each other. Life it seems gets in the way. But, Allison agreed in a heartbeat to keep my boys for 2 nights, take them to our day of Easter celebration at the Waken's with our church family. I'm sure she made sure the boys had their Easter baskets full of excitement. To top it off, Allison will be at our house to photograph our family as we reunite in our home for the first time. We are blessed.

Then, there are Gary & Jill Oliverson. Jack, and their son Hayden are fast friends. They have been in school together since kindergarten. I don't think I've met more generous people. I've told our boys that we need to learn some lessons from the Oliverson's. I can't count how many times I've called Jill at the last minute to help me out with picking up Jack at school, or taking him to soccer practice, or to watch the boys. Jill called me the morning before we left and said, 'I've got the whole day free, what do you need me to do?' I sent her on a mission to buy clothes for all my 4 children, and off she went. Who does that? Jill does. Gary & Jill will have the boys for 3 nights while we are gone. I know they will be safe, have a blast, and be loved on. We are blessed.

Chris & Michelle Spalding . . . where do I start? The Spaldings and their boys Nathan & Will are our church. We live life together, and they are our best friends. I cannot begin to tell you all they have done for us over the last year of this adoption process, and all the things they are going to be doing to have our home ready when we get back with Yordanos & Semere. Michelle is doing crazy things like buying Semere a mattress, putting pretty decorations in Yordanos room, and I'm sure making sure my boys are bathed EVERY night they are at their house. :) Chris will try not to pull his hair out when he has a house full of 4 boys, and probably enjoy it! He'll make the kids laugh, and not miss their mommy and daddy. There are so many, many things I could tell you about the Spaldings, and why we love them, but I'm a little overwhelmed at how much they mean to us. The first day I met Michelle I called another girlfriend of mine and told her, "I think I just met my new best friend." The double whammy was when Vince & Chris liked each other to, and our kids were all the same age. I'm babbling now, but we are so very blessed.

So, these are the people holding down the Dorazio fort while we travel across the world to bring back more Dorazio's. There are so many more people I need to thank, and will, but they just called boarding! We are getting on that plane and not looking back.

People sometimes say things like 'You guys are so awesome, you are doing such a great thing with this adoption.' I hate to shatter your image of me, but I am a sinner, saved by grace, and don't deserve one of these amazing people in my life I just told you about, or my beautiful boys Jack & Luke, or our children who God has rescued from a painful childhood. I am not saving anyone, God has given them to us as a responsiblity to love. My prayer is that we are faithful to them and their hurt, and obedient to our calling as parents. My prayer is that God heals their hearts and that I am always grateful for every moment he has given our family.


1 comment:

Andrea said...

One of the best blog posts ever!!